Manual Coding Machines - Manual hot foil coder, Manufacturer, Exporter, Mumbai Manual Coding Machines - Manual hot foil coder, Supplier, India
Largest Manufacturers in India for High Precision Batch Coding, Marking & Packaging Systems


AIMS compact Motorized Hot – Foil coder for Semi-automatic / Manual Table – Top registered printing of B.No., Mfg.Dt., Exp.Dt., M.R.P. Rs., Logos, etc. on labels, pouches, cartons, boxes, etc. or for Online registered printing on any intermittent FFS (Form Fill Seal), Oil / Milk Pouch Packing machine, etc. Model HFC-30-T.

These coders are ideal for Semi-Automatic Coding. As soon as the product is put on the platform, coding is done automatically.

The 3-line message to be printed is easily composed by pushing the Brass Stereos into the grooves & tightening them. The inking is in the form of Foil ribbon, which passes below the stereos & is advanced automatically after each print. The brass stereos are heated to a temperature of around 150 deg. C & hit the film onto the substrate thus transferring the print with embossing.

These are portable, compact and easy to install units. Simply plug the system into any electrical outlet of 230 VAC at your site to start printing.

HFC - 30 - T 
HFC - 30 – O 
HFC – 30 – M
Supply Voltage 230 Vac, 110 W 230 Vac, 110 W 230 Vac, 70 W
Printing Area
Printing Speed
Prints using
Printing Medium
Weight (Approx.)
Dimensions mm.

Model HFC - 30 - T For stand alone Table Top Coder.
Model HFC - 30 - O
Model HFC - 30 - M
Model HFC - 30 - M
Model HFC - 30 - P


Manual Hot Foil Coder - Table Top Hot Foil Coder - HFC-30-T


For the tabletop system, the coder is mounted on a stand and the item to be printed is placed manually and either a foot switch is pressed or a timer activates to code semi-automatically.

Manual Hot Foil Coder - Table Top Hot Foil Coder - HFC-30-O


For the manual system, the item to be printed is placed one at a time below the print head on the table & gets printed whenever the handle is pressed manually

Manual Hot Foil Coder - Table Top Hot Foil Coder - HFC-30-M

For the on-line system, the print head is mounted on the machine and coding is done whenever the parent machine stops for sealing. It is electronically synchronized with the packaging machine to give registered coding at exact location.

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  • DC motor based very compact, lightweight and portable design.
  • Online model to be used as a replacement for Electro-Pneumatic coders (does not require compressor) for Packaging Machine mounting.
  • Very low cost machine with low operating and inventory costs. Uses metal stereos and foil ribbon to give very clear & sharp impression which is better than pre-printed & has no drying time so no smudging.
  • In built speed control for automatic timed operation (settable) or can be connected to any sensor or foot switch for controlled operation.
  • Imported motor and accessories provide reliability & long life.



201, Triumph Industrial Estate, Behind Patel Extrusion (Itt Bhatti),

Opp. Hyundai Mark Motors, Goregaon (E), Mumbai - 400 063, INDIA.
Ph: (022) 28766351, 28756353. Fax: (+91) - 22 - 28766352.



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